Funniest Filipino Signs
We have collected the funniest Filipino signs that we saw over the internet and compiled it in one page.
Wait! ah what!? Do you want the paint to wait?
I didn’t even think that this word exist!
Where am I supposed to put the trash?
What a life threatening breakfast! Do you want a threat?
This Contest has a lot of secret! And wait, the contestants will pay the price of secret?
That’s really unsafe! There maybe someone who drank it?
I don’t know if they just run out of board space or they really mean it. What do you think?
Maybe this window fooled many people?
They need it wet?
Is it intentional to separate the “LOK”?
Ok! BYE!
The owner of the house may have been very angry.
In case of Emergency? What if I can’t dance?
How big is that “AIRCON”? I can’t imagine how anyone can get inside there?
Maybe there’s many lazy out there?
The best advice you can give for the youth! haha
Someone may have played word scramble here.
Who goat!?
We will update this funniest Filipino signs page regularly. Don’t forget to like our Facebook page. Have a nice day!